Bishop Nala Marries A Second Wife

Bishop Nala and wife

Nala wifesBishop Dr Nala is undoubtedly one of South Africa’s most controversial pastor.  He is the founder/president and Bishop of Nala Mandate International , World of Plenty Mandate, Rebirth Family Centre located in the City of Durban, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

Nala is known for claiming that members of his church will not be called Christians but rather plantains. Nala also claimed to heal HIV/Aids with his bottled “faith water”, he even challenged the National Department of Health on his broadcasted videos saying that he can prove that he has the cure for the virus. He was criticized recently by church leaders and many Christians when he introduced Nobuhle Shezi as his second wife. When questioned, Bishop Nala said even heroes of faith like Abraham , King Solomon and others had more than one wife. He insists that he and his first wife are in very good terms, they have reached a mutual agreement on the matter.

He released a statement on his facebook page that justified his reasons for taking a seconds wife.In the statement Nala said

• There is no verse in the bible that points to polygamy as sin except in Christian Theology. We as Plentians believe in the born again experience or salvation. Although we fully believe the bible and on Jesus Christ and His finished work on Calvary, we wish to clearly express that we do not view ourselves as Christians but as Plentians. We are a unique nation within the nation of South Africa and we have different traditions, norms and standards. Therefore we can never be judged by Christian standards. In August 2015, we will officially launch ourselves as a Plentian Nation, during that event Dr HQ Nala will also be officially ordained as a King of the Plentian Nation.


• Dr HQ Nala and Nala Mandate International wish to indicate that having polygamy is not a law within the ministry. This means that no man is forced to have more than one wife but it will be an individualistic decision.


I was very shocked at this, saints we are indeed in the last day. We need to keep praying, God help us all.



  1. It is towards the end I wish we pray for those who claim to be out of the main umbrella (Christ The King ) The days to the end are numbered. Woe to me who had not yet drunk enough from the TRUE rivers of life . false waters of life will deceive me

  2. Mzalwane bambisisa lokho nakho HE is around the corner .Ican hear the sound of His foot steps keep your lamps burning

  3. bazalwane ningadideki ngobe niyazi ukuthi litheni ibible ngabaprofethi bezikhathi zokugcina.He is coming soon

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