Council of Churches Pleads for Zuma to Resign

The South African Council of Churches has joined the list of organisations that are calling for president Jacob Zuma to resign. The organisation is an inter domination forum that was established around 1968. They contributed greatly to the liberation of South Africa with prominent leaders such as Desmond Tutu, Beyers Naude and Frank Chikane who were against the apardheid regime.

The council is still involved in contributing to the governance and well beign of the country and sent a delegation to meet with the ANC. In their presentation among other topics the South African Council of Churches requested the ANC to assist Jacob Zuma to resign as president in the interest of the well being of the country. Β They said they were disappointed that the President Zuma was not at the meeting on that day. The ANC was not impressed with their request while many aplauded them for their bravery.

I for one am glad that the Church is not silent about what is happening in our country.

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