On Satuday Joyous Celebration performed in the USA, oh what a proud moment for South African gospel music. The Joyous Celebration choir travelled all the way to Dallas, USA last week to join Bishop TD Jakes’s choir at Potter’s House.
On the 3rd Joyous Celebration had their first perfomance on their US tour for which is part of the live recording for Joyous 21 with the potters house theme Heal Our Land.
They kept their fans updated about the show on their social media accounts and even offered an opportunity to streaming the recording live via YouTube. The show started at 7pm but that is 3am in South African time. The DVD’s for this recording will be available next year and will include collaborations tracks with the Potter’s house choir. Here is a sneek peek they shared of night.

They still have a couple more shows to do allong the East before they come back to South Africa to perform their 21 installment here. We know the Soweto Gospel choir had perfomed on many big stages in the world and now Joyous celebràtion are out there going us proud too.