Prayer’s Continue For Prophet Bushiri After An Arrest On Fraud Allegations

EGC Protest Bushiri Arrest

Prayer’s Continue For Mary & Shepherd Bushiri After Another Arrest On Fraud And Money Laundering Allegations.

The Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church members who are led by founder and general overseer Prophet Shepherd Bushiri (Major One) continue to show support to the Prophet Bushiri after his arrest.

The directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (Hawks) on Tuesday arrested Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary over a R100 million fraud and money laundering case they have been investigating.

ECG Congregation in Court

“We are unhappy about what we feel is a weaponization of the criminal justice system” said ECG in a statement. The ECG congregation gathered in protest outside the Pretoria Magistrate court where Shepperd Bushiri and co-accused Mary Bushiri were scheduled to attend their bail application.

Scores of members were seen rendering prayers, petitions and words of support for Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. The case was rolled over to Friday 23 October, the accused however had to remain in jail at the Kgosi Mampuru correctional services.

Source :eNCA – Bushiri and wife in court 

ECG church describes itself as a modern congregation of Christ with centered believers celebrating God through the Prophetic, Healing and Deliverance Ministries. The ECG church has over 20 000 members in branches all over South Africa and internationally aswell.

Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Business Ventures

Prophet Mary & Shepperd Bushiri

According to Shepperd Bushiri, he ventured into business to support his family as he does not believe the church must support all his family needs. In Bushiri’s profile he has never hidden the fact that he is also a business man as much as he is a prophet.

Bushiri also runs an investment company, Shepherd Bushiri Investments (Pty) Ltd, a global investment company based in Sandton near Johannesburg, with interests in mining, real estate, an airline and other entrepreneurial pursuits.

ECG Released a Statement on the Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Arrest

In a statement released on Tuesday on the Prophet Shepherd Bushiri arrest, they highlight that the Hawks invited the couple to their offices but earlier that morning stormed their home arresting the prophets wife, Mary Bushiri.

The statement reads as follows:




Pretoria: The Hawks informed lawyers of our leaders, Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and Prophetess Mary Bushiri, late Monday afternoon that they (Hawks) are requesting the couple to go to their office by 11am accompanied by their lawyers to discuss an issue concerning a certain investment.

We are told as the Prophet and lawyers were getting prepared for the 11am appointment, the Hawks went to their house before the 11am appointment and arrested the Prophet’s wife alone.

We are told the Prophet is on his way to the Hawks office to hand over himself. He believes in the justice system of the country and he will abide to all what the law compels until all this war is done.

As the matter is still currently under criminal investigation, we have been advised not to discuss this matter any further.
