Uncle Angus Apologizes and Cancels Event in Repentance to Remarks

Tele-Evengalist Angus and author of best selling “Faith Like a Potatoe” aslo known by many as Uncle Angus left many dissapointed for his recording that circulated on social media. In a passionate plea to promote his event Angus sparked out rage for allegedly claiming God’s covenant is exclusively to certain nations or groups in South Africa.

Angus Buchanan in his Cape Town Prayer event

Uncle Angus is known for hosting large prayer events and this time he was promoting his event called “Stand Up For Jesus prayer” that was to be held at Loftus Stadium next year. In repentance the event has since been cancelled and will no longer take place and issued an apology for his misguided remarks on social media platforms.

In the apology Evangelist Angus Buchanan stated there was clearly a misunderstanding in context and apologizes for his remarks.

I am very sorry for what has taken place and I denounce the idea of any special nation. I will therefore continue with all my heart to work towards bringing the whole of South Africa to unity 

Evangelist Angus Buchan, 2019

Having stated that the Jews and the Afrikaans people were the only two nations that had a covenant with God is totally wrong, and for that statement, I humbly ask for your forgiveness

Angus Buchanan

He was reprimanded by politicians EFF in particular, Church leaders and citizens at large for inciting unfounded racial claims based on religious beliefs. Most religious groups have forgiven him as requested because of his previous good works while some are call for him to step down and retire as a practing Evangelist in his ministry. Angus has commited himself to nation building efforts and to helping to bridge racial divides going forward.